#include "time.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
void guess1( )
?int Password=0,Number=0,price=58,i=0;
?printf("\n====This is a Number Guess Game!====\n");
?while( Password != 1234 )
??if( i >= 3 )
??puts("Please input Password: ");
?while( Number!=price )
???puts("Please input a number between 1 and 100: ");
???printf("Your input number is %d\n",Number);
??}while( !(Number>=1 && Number<=100) );
??if( Number >= 90 )
???printf("Too Bigger! Press any key to try again!\n");
??else if( Number >= 70 && Number < 90 )
??else if( Number >= 1 && Number <= 30 )
???printf("Too Small! Press any key to try again!\n");
??else if( Number > 30 && Number <= 50 )
???printf("Small! Press any key to try again!\n");
???if( Number == price )
????printf("OK! You are right! Bye Bye!\n");
???else if( Number < price )
????printf("Sorry,Only a little smaller! Press any key to try again!\n");
???else if( Number > price )
????printf(" Sorry, Only a little bigger! Press any key to try again!\n");
void? guess2( )
{ int y,stime,a,z,t,i,c,m,g,s,j=0,k=0,b[4],l[4];
? long ltime;
? ltime=time(NULL);
? stime=(unsigned int)ltime/2;
? srand(stime);
? z=random(9999);
? printf("I have a number with 4 digits in mind,please guess.\n");
? for(c=1;;c++)
? { printf("Enter a number with 4 digits:");
??? scanf("%d",&g);
??? a=z;j=0;k=0;
??? l[0]=l[1]=l[2]=l[3]=0;
??? for (i=1;i<5;i++)
??? { s=g;m=1;
????? for (t=1;t<5;t++)
????? { if (a%10==s%10)
?{ if (m&&t!=l[0]&&t!=l[1]&&t!=l[2]&&t!=l[3])
?? { j++;m=0;l[j-1]=t;
?? }
?? if (i==t)
void swap1(float *p1,float *p2)
{float temp;
void swap2(char **p1,char **p2)
{char *temp;
void sort(char *code[],char *name[],float *score1,float *score2,
float *score3,float *aver,int n)
{int i,j;
?for (i=0;i
?????? swap1(score1+i,score1+j);
?????? swap1(score2+i,score2+j);
?????? swap1(score3+i,score3+j);
?????? swap2(&name[i],&name[j]);
?????? swap2(&code[i],&code[j]);
???? }
int operator1,operator,first,second,result;
?printf("| Simple Caculator |\n");
?printf("|????????????????? |\n");
?printf("|??? |? / |? * | - |\n");
?printf("|? 7 |? 8 |? 9 |?? |\n");
?printf("+----+----+----| + |\n");
?printf("|? 4 |? 5 |? 6 |?? |\n");
?printf("|? 1 |? 2 |? 3 |?? |\n");
?printf("+----+----+----| = |\n");
?printf("|? 0????? |? . |?? |\n");
{int c,n=0;
?{ c=getch();
?? if (c>='0' && c<='9')
?? { putch(c);
???? n=n*10+c-0x30;
?? }
?? if (c=='\b' && wherex()>2)
?? { putch(c);putch(0x20);putch(c);
???? n/=10;
?? }
?}while (!(c==27||c=='+'||c=='-'||c=='*'||c=='/'||c=='\n'));
?if (c!=27&&c!='\n') putch(c);
?return (n);
{ if (operaor1=='+')
?? result=first+second;
? else if (operaor1=='-')
?? result=first-second;
? else if (operaor1=='*')
?? result=first*second;
? else
?? result=first/second;
{ gotoxy(2,4);
? printf("???????????? ");
? gotoxy(2,4);
? printf("%d",result);
? if (operator!=13 && operator!=27) putch(operator);
{ displaycalculator();
? gotoxy(2,4);
? first=getdata();
? while (operator!=27)
? { operator1=operator;
??? second=getdata();
??? displayresult();
??? first=result;
? }
(8) 100%
(0) 0%